Animal Kingdom is Steve Reinke's alternative to a television show.
It has comedy skits, musical interludes, and little animated aphorisms
that act as commercials or bumpers. Reinke parodies, analyses and plays
out the narratives and imagery employed in mass culture—while
never appearing to take any of it seriously. Moving through the most
banal forms of film and video imagery and the most exalted, collapsing
the boundaries between documentary and fiction, Reinke creates a kind
of shrine to a loss of the self on representation. (Argos Distributor)
comedic and opinionated look at growing up, getting older and the undiscovered
potential of a boy and his penis. (New York Video Festival)
‚surfin' in the usa'-generation füllt heute die wartezimmer
der psychiater. ein zapping durch die emotionalen tiefs und hochs eines
prozac-freaks. (Videox Festival Catalogue)